Learn More About A Psychic Reading

Being a psychic is similar to the entire human population having access to all radio stations, but only some caring or wanting to change the station they are set on. As I’m sure you know, psychics are said to have the ability to see into the future and have knowledge about people that no one else would be able to know.

Psychic Abilities

In Nala’s personal opinion, this is both true and false. An individual who identifies as psychic, is someone who has cultivated the ability to understand what is beyond the physical eye. Yes, it’s true that at times it is possible to see exactly what is destined to happen in someone’s future or to know personal details of one’s life, but like all humans they are not always on the correct radio station to access this information.

There are many factors that go into the understanding of why Nala does not identify with the popular stigmatization of a regular psychic, including the understanding of timelines, which is a whole other discussion. In booking a reading with Nala she will prepare and set herself to your own personal station to best bring through the information you want to receive clarity on. She will go into the possibilities and timelines of your life to help you see what is most beneficial for you.

To read more about what a reading with Nala will entail, click the button below:

All readings will be held over zoom. For more information click below:

A medium is someone who has the ability to contract information from non-physical realms and convey it into the physical world. Most commonly, psychic mediums will connect with passed on loved ones to help themselves or their clients be more at peace. Nala does label herself as a medium, although it is not something she is the most aligned with doing. She uses only the word psychic because that feels more resonate for her than the title psychic medium. Nala does not have a problem pursuing mediumship in a reading and connecting with your loved ones who have passed. It is something she has access to, but it is not her preference for passing along information. If this is something you are wanting from a reading that’s perfectly okay, but something you should know about Nala.

Nala and Mediumship

1. Being A Psychic

The common term referred to anyone who channels information from an unknown place, with understandings that go beyond our physical world, is referred to as a psychic. Nala does not feel that any mystic in this field is perfectly curated with the term psychic, or any definition for that matter. But the definition she feels is most resonate to herself, is “a channel” and believes this is a more proper term for what it is she does. She still refers to herself as a psychic but thinks of it more as a tool to help people better understand her channeling abilities.

2. Being A Channel

A channel is someone who can decipher information that is first in the form of energy. Many close their eyes and go into a meditative-like state to channel. Well-known channels include names like Darryl Anka who channels “Bashar” and Lee Carroll who channels “Kyron”. These individuals are a subtype of channeling. They are channeling specific beings who live outside of Earth and are more commonly referred to as “Channelers”. From time-to-time Nala will work under this subtype of channeling and bring through messages from different beings, but it is not the type of channeling she is doing as a psychic.

3. Being A Channel Under the Term Psychic

Psychics do not commonly channel a specific being from outside of Earth. They tend to stick to being a channel for the “All-that-is” or what Nala likes to call “Source Consciousness”. Although psychics are also often mediums, this is the grounded explanation for them being similar to a person who channels other beings. As a medium one can connect with people who have passed, which in it’s definition, would be a being from an outside source.