Learn More About A Distance Reiki Session

What is Distance Reiki?

Reiki is an energy therapy available to help assist in bringing balance to the body, mind and spirit. From this balanced state, we create health, joy, abundance, and love in all aspects of our lives. Distance Reiki is as effective as in-person therapy and can be done by connecting to another’s energy from a distance. I will be in my office; my client will be in their own bed/chair; and our energy will be connected as if we were in the same room. I work with any frequencies I am able to channel for the highest good of my clients. My hands and movements are completely guided, and I receive messages often regarding how the energy is assisting the manifestation/intention/healing that is being co-created by the energy and the client, and how the client may assist in the continued balancing of these energies in their life. At times, I receive messages from guides or passed on loved ones who are supporting my client during the session.


Due to the rise of distance services during the covid pandemic, we now have research available that specifically relates to “distance” Reiki. This research shows us that distance Reiki is as effective as in-person Reiki and has demonstrated significant outcomes including decreased stress and anxiety, increased well- being, increased sleep quality, decreased pain, and noted transformative experiences.*

Pet Reiki

Reiki can assist pets in a number of ways including anxiety and stress relief, coping with illness, surgery recovery, end of life care, bonding and quality time, and increasing confidence in animals with past trauma.**

Distance Reiki Advantages

  • No travel

  • Be in the comfort of your own home

  • No need to “get ready” #ReikiinyourPJ’s

  • Beneficial for those unlikely to be able to attend an in-person session (pets, children, hospital/ hospice patients, etc.)

  • Multiple options of communication to choose from: see below

Meeting/Communication Options for Distance Reiki Sessions


Please choose the Zoom option if you prefer face to face meetings (or for international clients—you can have a zoom call with the video on or off if you wish). I will be available for any support you need during the session.

Option 2 — PHONE CALL

Please choose the phone call option if you do NOT prefer a face-to-face interaction but would like to be able to verbally communicate throughout the session. This option is great for those who prefer not to be on camera.

This option is unavailable for international clients, but you may wish to select the Zoom option and choose to turn the video off during the session.


Please choose this option if you prefer no visual or verbal contact. (No visual or verbal contact is required to connect to your energy.) You will receive a text when the session begins and ends. Ask questions and discuss over text as needed. Perfect for those who prefer no social contact, “no fuss,” or repeat clients or others who are familiar with Reiki.

This option is unavailable to international clients but may be replaced by email.