Interactive Reiki Session

What happens during an Interactive Reiki Session?

Interactive Reiki will take place over Zoom. I will connect energetically and begin the Reiki session. During the session, I will describe what is taking place energetically, and why this is happening. This allows the client to receive the information and messages in real time and process the understanding as it is occurring.

During the process, the client may ask questions, or we may ask the body and/or chakras further questions to receive more information if this is needed.

What is an Interactive Reiki Session?

Your body and every cell within it is conscious (alive). This means it can talk to you, and you can talk to it.

Your chakras are conscious. They can talk to you, and you can talk to them.

Energy is conscious. You can talk to it, and it can talk to you.

You are conscious.

I am conscious.

This means you and I can receive messages and talk to each other, the energies, the body, and the chakras during an INTERACTIVE REIKI SESSION.