Preparing For A Distance Reiki Session
BEFORE the session
A confirmation email will be sent with the time and date of the session.
A separate email will be sent for zoom calls with a link for the session. (For other options, I will call or text/email you at the time of your appointment.)
Feel free to contact us with any questions/concerns, intentions, or other personal info you would like to share about yourself or the person/animal you have requested the session for (a form is provided at checkout to include this information as well).
Plan for the total length of the session to be approximately one hour which will include the Reiki as well as questions/concerns or any other information which has not been shared or addressed prior to the session. We will conclude the Reiki a few minutes before the end of the session to provide time to discuss the session.
DURING the session
Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lie down.
Have a glass of water available if possible.
Create your own space: Dim the lights. Light a candle. Play some relaxing music. Cover up with a blanket if you tend to get cold. FOR INTERACTIVE REIKI: Find a comfortable chair in a quiet area of the home/environment.
Relax and intend to receive the energy.
Any request to stop the session at any time for any reason (or no reason) will be honored. Please communicate ASAP if you would like to stop the session.
If you are the caretaker for another who is receiving a session, please try to provide a comforting environment for them in accordance with your time and ability.
AFTER the session
Feel free to tell us about your experience (at any time). The beneficial effects will likely continue on after your session. Please read the note below on possible side effects of energy therapy.
Drink plenty of water to help flush the physical body and to help work the energy through.
Listen to how you feel and treat yourself accordingly. (ex. some clients have more energy, and some feel the need to rest)
If you are the caretaker for another who has received a session, please try to provide the above in accordance with your time and ability.
Please contact us with any questions/concerns at any time.
It is important to note most people feel what we would call pleasant or positive side effects such as upliftment, peace, heart opening, a flow of love, release, gratitude, a shift in consciousness, and a quiet mind. Sleepiness or sleeplessness; sluggishness or lethargy; weeping, fear, or other emotions coming up; energy running through the body; and restlessness or an inability to focus or do mental work are a few common and normal symptoms that can occur during and after a session and will pass without needing to do anything about them.
The best thing to do, is to not be afraid of these symptoms and know that they are part of a natural process. They are signs clearing and adjustments are being made in the subtle energy body and are part of the natural process of healing, clearing, and raising your vibration making it possible for you to hold more light in your subtle body. All of these effects may last from minutes, to hours, to days and are completely normal and beneficial when receiving energy healing.
Source: Gina Lake (this is the best description I have been able to find regarding side effects of energy healing).
A Note On Side Effects: